Compassionate Care Animal Hospital

7425 Jolly Lane
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428


Services - Compassionate Care Animal Hospital - Brooklyn Park, MN
 row of dogs


We offer full preventative and wellness care along with extensive therapeutic care for your pet when they are ill. With each visit we will discuss your pet's individual needs, appropriate screening tests and preventative health care recommendations. Our full team is committed to giving you as much information to allow you to be fully involved with your pet's health plan and when needed to aid you in making the best decisions when your pet needs additional care. 


We understand the concern that people feel when their pet is facing anesthesia. The veterinarians and staff of CCAH are constantly seeking the best options for your pet. Our hospital protocol for patients undergoing anesthesia includes a presurgical exam, pre-anesthetic blood testing, intravenous catheter placement with fluid support and sophisticated monitoring of blood pressure, core body temperature, respiratory and cardiac function. Our Doctors select Anesthesia protocols based on individual patient requirements. We believe strongly in using multimodal approaches to prevent postop pain and to allow healing to  move ahead as quickly as possible. Surgical procedure are performed in our modern surgical suite under sterile conditions, a sterile surgical pack is used for each patient. Our surgery table is heated to prevent hypothermia as a result of lying on a cold table. Click here for surgical FAQs.


Dental disease not only affects the teeth and bad breath, but impacts quality of life.  Poor dental health may lead to potentially life threatening illnesses such as infections of the heart valves and kidneys. We follow hospital protocols for anesthesia, monitoring and pain control. Your pet receives a complete oral exam to identify problems. Digital Dental films are taken of the full mouth to identify problems below the gum line. A plan is made for treatment and you will be called with recommendations for anything over a full cleaning and polishing. An ultrasonic scaler removes plaque above and below the gum line and is followed by full polishing of the exposed teeth. 


We have invested in digital radiography.  This has brought our radiographs to new level, allowing us to enlarge, highlight, change contrast on any area in the film. We are able to email the radiographs to board certified radiologist for  review and a report is often back in our office within 4 hours of the film being taken.

  Our in-house laboratory facilities provide for serum chemistry, hematology, serology, urinalysis and parasite testing. We also utilize commercial veterinary laboratories for specialized diagnostics and consultations.
Permanent identification

 We offer microchip identification.

 We maintain a complete inventory of pharmaceuticals, vitamins, shampoos, flea and tick control products and heartworm preventatives to meet the needs of your pet. We also carry a full line of prescription diets. We also offer online ordering and delivery of medication and prescription diets.
Individualized Flea Control Programs

 We develop programs for the specific needs of your pet and your own particular environmental situation. We will review with you the best ways to control fleas in your house, in your yard and on your pet.

Dietary Counseling

  We will provide guidance regarding your pet's nutritional needs for each life stage, including dietary requirements for growth, weight maintenance and performance.


  We provide medical boarding as a service to our clients with pets that have special needs. All boarders receive personal attention from our caring staff. Pets may be dropped off and picked up during regular business hours Monday through Saturday.


Therapeutic bathing services are available.

Emergency Care

  Please call our main telephone number for instructions for after-hour emergencies. The numbers are also listed on this web page under emergency contacts.

Senior Pet Care

Please click here to learn more about senior pets.

Care Credit

We invite you to click here to learn more about Care Credit!